Wicked is Coming and We Have a PRESALE Code For You

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No One Mourns the Wicked, nor the person who doesn’t get their tickets for Wicked as early as possible, because this will be a sell out show, for sure! If you’ve seen it before, you know you’re itching to see it again. If not, you’ll be changed For Good when you do!

I first saw Wicked my Junior  year of High School It was 2005 and it was the first travelling cast to come through Chicago- even before they had a resident cast for a few years. I managed to snag the last ticket on to a crowded school bus with my drama club to drive from Bloomington to Chicago for my first-ever professional musical. I had only heard the soundtrack a few times before, but there was something magical about it… pun intended!

I was in the very last row of the Cadillac-Palace theatre balcony, but was still entranced from the beginning to end… even the AH-MAZING close of the first act before intermission had me in TEARS! I fell in love with this musical then and there. I went home, memorized the soundtrack, even found an illegal copy of the script online (I mean, no, I never read any such thing) and read it cover to cover multiple times… but I never SAW the show again…

That is… until the end of October! I am legitimately as excited as a kid on Christmas eve, knowing it’s coming to Peoria. And I will be buying tickets ASAP with the promo code you’re going to receive in tomorrow’s Nash Newsletter! Make sure you’re signed up before 10:30am (to be safe- it goes out at 11am) to get this presale code, and we could be sitting in AWESOME seats together belting Defying Gravity with Elphaba and Galinda with a GA!

Don’t miss out on being Popular. Sign up for VIP!

And now… I swear I have a 5-way tie for my favorite Wicked song… but this is the one that makes me cry.


